Method 1: Rocky 8 (and newer), Centos 7 (and newer) and Redhat 7 (and newer) Install yum-utils: yum install yum-utils Add repo sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo Install FortiClient sudo yum install forticlient Method 2: Direct RPM Download Link: Installation Download the FortiClient VPN RPM package from - this will normally be downloaded to the Downloads folder in your user's home folder. In the file browser navigate to this folder and double click on the forticlient_vpn_X.XX.XXXX_x86_64.rpm file and click Install in the software install window. Configuration Launch FortiClient using the shield icon in the top bar and then click 'Configure VPN'. Ensure that SSL-VPN is selected, enter a connection name (e.g. FMRIB VPN) and then in the Remote Gateway box enter